*Please note: Kindergarten families will receive specific information on their gradual entry starting on September 10th. This information will be coming soon.
- On Wednesday, September 9th, families will receive a phone call or email by the end of the day indicating each child’s class placement.
- On Thursday, September 10th, students will arrive as close to the morning bell (8:49am) as possible and go directly to their new classroom outside door to line up. Teacher names will be indicated outside class doors as a reminder.
- Students that are new to the school will enter through the gym and be greeted there.
- Students that are late will go to their new assigned classroom and the teacher will notify the office.
- Any family that is unsure on where to go can enter through the gym doors to be assigned to their class as of 8:49am.
- We will need everyone’s support with physical distancing practices as we cannot have groups of people congregating on the property. All families please remember to practice physical distancing at all times in any area. We also ask that parents/caregivers ‘drop and go’ to help us with this.
- Students will wash their hands their hands upon arrival, before and after transitions to other spaces, including recess/lunch, after washroom breaks, and before and after eating.
- At recess and lunch students will be in assigned play zones with their learning cohorts.
- Markings and signs will be posted throughout the school for reminders on physical distancing.
- Pick-up/End of day: students will leave through the classroom outside door and leave the school based on pre-determined plans with their families. Please remember to physical distance on school property if students/adults are not in the same learning group. Students in Kindergarten-2/3 will remain with their teacher until a parent or guardian has arrived. Please arrive as close to 3pm as possible and do not gather in groups.
Shape of the Day
*Before school -please enter before school care through their outside door.
8:49am Line up at outside class door –say goodbye to your parent/guardian
8:49-10:40am Class time
10:40-10:55am Recess in Cohort Zones
10:55-12:01pm Class time
12:01-12:45pm Lunch recess in Cohort Zones
12:45-1:00pm Eating lunch in classrooms
1:00-3:00pm Class time
3:00pm Dismissal –please pick up students promptly, do not gather, and leave promptly (discuss with your children your end of day plan)
*After school care –please enter the after school care room through their outside door.
Note: We will notify families if there are any changes to this schedule.