Welcome Back VCE Families!
We have had a great start to the school year. A BIG thank you to everyone for helping us stay safe by following the new procedures during this time. It really feels good to have the students back in the school. I would also like to thank our amazing VCE team as they have navigated a school start up like no other. Our staff have truly rallied and shown up with grace and positivity each day. They deserve acknowledgment for all they have done to set this year up in wonderful ways. I beyond appreciate this team!
A few important notes as we get started in a new school year:
- I know that things look different but we need your help with before and after school. We cannot have families gathering or waiting at the classrooms before or after school. Please say your goodbyes and head off for the day and once you have met your child after school, please head off again promptly. We really do appreciate your help with this as we adhere to our new protocols. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, please email or call the school to set up an appointment. In the coming weeks, teachers will be reaching out to give you some more information on the school year and provide an opportunity for you to get to them a bit more.
- You can expect a weekly email from me on Fridays and a monthly news update on our website (watch for this at the beginning of each month). There will no longer be a newsletter as we will post all you need to know on our website. Check out the work in progress here: https://www.sd48valleycliffe.org/ -it is important to keep an eye on our website for important updates!
- You can also learn about the PAC and updates on our website as well. The next meeting is Monday, September 21st at 5pm in our school gym. Please enter through the side gym doors. Again, it is important to remember that we need to keep 2 meters distance at all times. Please bring a mask in case we cannot physical distance. At this time there is no child care, so please make arrangements to leave the kids at home. We appreciate your help with this and look forward to seeing you at the meeting!
- Remember to do a daily health check before sending your child to school. You can find a copy of the checklist on our website as well.
- Important forms were sent home this week. PLEASE return by Monday, September 21st. Please carefully read through each form and return with your signature.
- Dressing for the weather is important as we head outside more than ever this year! Please make sure your child is ready for the outdoors rain or shine.
I wish everyone a restful weekend. Congrats to everyone (especially our new Kindergarten students) on a successful first full week of school!
Sarah Hain